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- Publication scheme
Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from the Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC). It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by government.
The purpose of the publication scheme is to make the maximum amount of information available at minimum cost and inconvenience to the public. Material which is published and accessed on this will be provided free of charge.
Please note that we will not include information that:
- is prohibited by law from disclosure or is exempt under the RTI Act
- in a draft form, or
- in a form that cannot be easily accessed.
Information about our role, our vision and our purpose.
Read about our journey.
Meet our executive team members.
Information about our Minister.
We were established on 1 July 2014 under the Family and Child Commission Act 2014.
Information about how you can contact us.
Monitoring and reviewing systems
The QFCC is responsible for overseeing the child protection and family support systems in Queensland. This oversight promotes the safety, wellbeing and best interests of children and young people and aims to improve and strengthen the child protection and family support systems.
Listening to children and young people
Information about how we listen to children and young people, and invite them to have their say and be involved in decisions about legislation, systems, policies and practices designed to promote their safety and wellbeing.
Online safety tips and strategies.
Working together to improve services, organisations, the workforce and professional culture.
Information to inform and educate the community about services available to strengthen and support families, the way in which the child protection system operates, and research relevant to the child protection system.
We’re making it easier to access information about our role, our services, finances, policies, registers and lists, as well as information released through the Right to Information and Information Privacy applications.
Information about our finances are available in our annual reports.
The Queensland Government Procurement Policy.
The Queensland Government Procurement Strategy.
Published contracts with a value $10,000 are available on the Queensland Government Contracts Directory.
Our Strategic Plan outlines our vision, purpose, risks, opportunities, values, objectives, strategies and success indicators. Copies of our previous Strategic Plans are also available for download.
Meet our executive team members.
Our Advisory Council was established to help promote the shared responsibility all Queenslanders have in keeping children safe.
Meet our Youth Advisory Council who champion the voices of children and young people to provide youth perspectives and provide advice to the QFCC on what is important to children and young people in Queensland.
The Growing up in Queensland project gave children and young people the opportunity to share their thoughts, views and opinions about the community, their hopes and dreams and the most important issues to them.
Research and policy submissions
Information about how we have influenced policy and legislation concerning the wellbeing of Queensland children and young people and their families.
The Queensland Public Service Code of Conduct establishes the ethical standards of conduct and behaviour expected of public service staff when working with each other, with other agencies and when serving members of the community.
Our commitment to protecting your privacy.
The Queensland Government Procurement Policy.
The Queensland Government Procurement Strategy.
Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedure
The reporting of suspected misconduct within the Queensland public sector is fundamental to its ongoing integrity and health.
Last updated
20 September 2023