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- Advisory Council
The QFCC Advisory Council supports a shared responsibility of all Queenslanders in keeping children safe.
The Council meets quarterly to provide insight into the issues affecting children, young people, families and the sector, and to provide guidance on the work of the Commission.
The members are:
- QFCC Chief Executive and Principal Commissioner, Mr Luke Twyford (Chair)
- QFCC Commissioner, Ms Natalie Lewis
- Yourtown Chief Executive Officer, Ms Tracey Adams
- PeakCare Queensland Inc., Chief Executive Officer, Mr Tom Allsop
- Brisbane Youth Service Chief Executive Officer, Ms Pam Barker
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service Chief Executive Officer, Mr Shane Duffy
- Kummara Chief Executive Officer, Mr Gerald Featherstone
- NAPCAN Communications Manager, Ms Helen Fogarty
- Queensland Mental Health Commissioner, Mr Ivan Frkovic
- Ms Kay Ganley
- Queensland Police Service Assistant Commissioner Service Delivery Program, Mr Cameron Harsley
- Australian Catholic University Director of Child Protection Studies, Prof Daryl Higgins
- Michael Hogan Consulting, Mr Michael Hogan
- Queensland University of Technology Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy), Mrs Angela Leitch
- Health and Wellbeing Queensland Chief Executive Officer , Dr Robyn Littlewood
- Children's Rights Queensland Chief Executive Officer, Mr Dan Marais
- Daniel Morcombe Foundation General Manager, Ms Cheryl Schmidt (formerly Ms Tracey McAsey)
- Queensland Human Rights Commissioner, Mr Scott McDougall
- Queensland Council of Social Service Chief Executive Officer, Ms Aimee McVeigh
- Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak Chief Executive Officer, Mr Garth Morgan
- Ms Zoe Rathus
- Community Services Industry Alliance Chief Executive Officer, Ms Cheryl Schmidt
- Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation and Human Exploitation Australian Federal Police Commander, Ms Helen Schneider
- Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Legal Service, Ms Thelma Schwartz
- Office of the Public Guardian, Ms Shayna Smith
- Queensland Foster and Kinship Care Executive Director, Mr Bryan Smith
- Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service Chief Executive, Adjunct Professor Frank Tracey
- Micah Projects Chief Executive Officer, Ms Karyn Walsh
- Ms Heather Watson
- QFCC Executive Director, a/ Executive Director, Mr Christopher Smith
- QFCC Director, Mr Lyle Gerbich
- QFCC Director, Ms Erin Glapiak
Last updated
18 September 2024