If you believe your child is in immediate danger or a life-threatening situation, call emergency services on triple zero – 000.
Under our legislation, we don’t investigate individual children’s and families’ circumstances. If you suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm or neglect, please contact the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services.


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Making a complaint

If you're being hurt, in danger or unhappy with the way you're being treated always speak up! You have rights! 

What is a complaint?

A complaint can be about anything happening you are not happy with or that makes you feel unsafe. This could be an organisation's service, the way staff or another child or young person behaves, or the way a problem or situation was handled.

You should say something to someone if you ever: 

  • Don't feel safe.
  • Are being hurt.
  • Feel unhappy with the way you're being treated.

It takes courage to make a complaint. It doesn't have to be a negative experience.

How can I go through a positive complaint process?

Following this process will help you have a positive and supported experience talking 

1. Find support.

This person/s will be someone you can trust, like a parent, friend, carer, teacher or coach.  This person will be able to help you make a complaint.

2. Tell your support person.

Have a yarn with your support person about why it is that you aren’t feeling safe or happy. 

Share with them how the problem has made you feel and how it is affecting your life. 

 It would also be very helpful to talk to them about what you feel would help to fix it.

3. Make your complaint.

Have a go making the complaint yourself. 

It is always good to ask what will happen next, who will get back to you and how long it will take.

You have a right for adults to always listen to you, answer your questions and treat you with respect.

What can help me make a complaint?

Here are some resources made for young people to help you tell someone about your problem and what might happen. 

Where can I make a complaint about a service or organisation?

Check the website of the organisation

Most organisations have complaint forms on their websites to help you make a complaint. To find a form on a website look for the words feedback, comments or contact us.

The Queensland Ombudsman 

The Ombudsman provides advice and information to help people make complaints to QLD Government organisations and to understand what happens after a complaint is made.

Contact the Ombudsman  

Making a complaint about anyone at the Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC)

The Principal Commissioner, Commissioner and QFCC staff are happy to listen to whatever you want to say to us. 

If your complaint is about us, please phone us on (07) 3900 6000 or complete the QFCC Contact Us Webform.

Last updated
30 October 2024