In 2018, the Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) provided an opportunity for Queensland’s children and young people to speak up and have a say about their everyday lives, priorities, concerns and visions for their communities and futures. The Growing up in Queensland project engaged young people in meaningful conversations and gathered their views and experiences. This report This place I call home: the views of children and young people on growing up in Queensland amplifies their voices.
More than 7000 people between the ages of 4 and 18 participated in the Growing up in Queensland project. They responded to the survey and took part in workshops, focus groups and other activities. The information they provided has been aggregated throughout the report to present the key themes and ideas for making Queensland an even better place in which to grow up. The children’s and young people’s views demonstrate they have a keen understanding of life in their community.
They also have insightful, sophisticated and innovative ideas about how community leaders and decision makers can strengthen Queensland for the current and future generations.

If you’d like to find out more about the project or how the findings can inform your work, email growingupQLD@qfcc.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 3900 6000.
Last updated
10 February 2024