If you believe your child is in immediate danger or a life-threatening situation, call emergency services on triple zero – 000.
Under our legislation, we don’t investigate individual children’s and families’ circumstances. If you suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm or neglect, please contact the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services.

News and updates

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Showing 55 - 57 of 57
What’s it like growing up LGBTQIA in Queensland?

What’s it like growing up LGBTQIA in Queensland?

The Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) recently released the Voice
What has changed since Wear It Purple Day started?

What has changed since Wear It Purple Day started?

The stories of real teenagers and real heartache were the reason Wear It Purp
New report reveals impact of COVID on Queensland kids

New report reveals impact of COVID on Queensland kids

Queensland’s children and young people have reached out for help during the C