If you believe your child is in immediate danger or a life-threatening situation, call emergency services on triple zero – 000.
Under our legislation, we don’t investigate individual children’s and families’ circumstances. If you suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm or neglect, please contact the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services.

Who can help

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Who can help

How do I know what to expect in care? Who can help me?

For more information about what to expect in care, you can contact one of the following organisations:

Child Safety Service Centres are located in communities throughout Queensland. Child Safety Officers work in Child Safety Service Centres. You should speak to your Child Safety Officer if you have a question about your case plan or care.

If you need to speak to Child Safety Services during the night or on a weekend, you can call the After Hours Service Centre on 1800 177 135 or (07) 3235 9999.

CREATE aims to create a better life for children and young people in care. It offers support to young people in care, connecting young people to each other and to people who can help.

Phone: 1800 655 105

Email: qld@create.org.au

The Office of the Public Guardian supports and protects the rights of children and young people in care. They do this through Community Visitors who can come to see you in care to provide help and support, and through their Child Advocate who can provide support if you need to go to a court or tribunal.

Phone: 1800 661 533

Email: child@publicguardian.qld.gov.au

The Youth Advocacy Centre offers free legal services, youth support and family support assistance and services to young people, particularly those who are involved in the child protection system.

Phone: (07) 3356 1002

Email: admin@yac.net.au

Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak works to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families.

Phone: (07) 3102 4119

Legal Aid Queensland gives legal help to financially disadvantaged people about criminal, family and civil law matters.

Phone: 1300 651 188

Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal's purpose is to provide a quick, inexpensive avenue to resolve disputes between parties and make decisions.

Phone: 1300 753 228

Last updated
30 August 2022