If you believe your child is in immediate danger or a life-threatening situation, call emergency services on triple zero – 000.
Under our legislation, we don’t investigate individual children’s and families’ circumstances. If you suspect a child in Queensland is experiencing harm or neglect, please contact the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services.

QMHC QFCC Mental Health Media Kit

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Let's have this convo, together: social media kit

QMHC and QFCC joint mental health campaign.

These new videos aim to help young people find mental health support, encouraging them to seek mental health services or to reach out to safe and trusted people.

The series has been developed in partnership between QFCC and the Queensland Mental Health Commission, and co-designed with young people.

If this content raises any issues or concerns for you, remember you can contact Lifeline anytime on 13 11 14 or get support online.

Together with QMHC, we will be regularly sharing youth mental health content on our social media channels should you wish to share these posts on your own channels. Our channels include:



Target Audiences

  1. Young people aged 12-to-17
  2. Parents and carers
  3. Teachers
  4. Service providers

Key Messages

  1. ‘Let’s have this convo, together’ – encourage help-seeking behaviour for young people
  2. There are confidential youth mental health services available for children and young people to access.
  3. Reduce stigma in accessing mental health support by encouraging young people to access mental health support services.
  4. Encouraging peer to peer support in accessing mental health support.
  5. Young people can access mental health services without parental consent.
  6. Mental health services will not share information unless they are worried someone is at risk of serious harm.

Messaging about mental health can be sensitive and nuanced, particularly around the concept of parental consent. Feel free to reach out to the QMHC team for support and advice. You might also like to review Mindframe’s Our words matter: Guidelines for language use for guidance to safely communicate about mental health and wellbeing, suicide, and alcohol and other drugs.

For any questions or additional information, contact:

QMHC Communications and Engagement team, media@qmhc.qld.gov.au

QFCC Youth Participation team, yac@qfcc.qld.gov.au 

This work has been developed following Recommendation 8 of the Child Death Review Board Annual Report 2020-2021

Last updated
19 July 2023